Setup development environment on Windows
Configure paths and environment variables
Set up or check that Java & Maven & Git & Tomcat bin directories are in the System PATH variables (like eg below)
(in Windows, search for "Edit System Environment", click on Environment Variables" then use Edit or New)Set up as New system environment: JAVA_HOME & M2_HOME & MAVEN_OPTS (as below)
Configure other options to suit your preferences
The following example has the version numbers which was successfully used by Patrick Tang on December 30, 2019:
JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-1.8.0_231
M2_HOME = C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.6.3
MAVEN_OPTS = -Xms512m -Xmx512m -Dmaven.artifact.threads=10
PATH = C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 9.0.30\bin;C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.6.3\bin;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-1.8.0_231\bin;C:\Program Files)\Git\bin
Note: if you already have a command prompt open, or a git shell window and you intend to use them, you will need to close the window and reopen.
Clone your fork of the source code
For example:
Fork JSword into your Github account (from tyndale/jsword - unless already done above)
Clone JSword on your computer
cd c:\dev
git clone (Note: If the command does not work try "git clone" on April 14, 2018)
We are not using the master branch for JSword. So you will need to switch branch once it is cloned:
cd jsword
git checkout jsword-stepbible-2022
(or use the Git ReadOnly URL options if you have not created yourself a github account
Or download GitHub for Windows and "Clone")
Fork STEP from GitHub (from tyndale/step - unless already done above)
Clone STEP
cd c:\dev
git clone
(Note: If the command does not work try "git clone" on April 14, 2018)
(or use the Git ReadOnly options if you have not created yourself a github account)
Build the code
Run the following commands from a git command prompt:
from the JSword source code directory. Make sure to build this first.
cd c:\dev\jsword
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
from the Step source code directory
cd c:\dev\step
mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
In the future, you can just run mvn clean install on the base directory.
If you have issues with the build, you may need to update the <java.version>
in the pom.xml file to 1.8
or the version that matches what you have installed.
Installing Intellij Community Edition
Download the Unlimited Intellij from here: Download IntelliJ IDEA
Following the instruction the IntelliJ installation because that is created and verified in 2022. The following instruction was written and verified around 2018.
Old instruction for IntelliJ
Import the JSword as a Maven project
File>New>Project from Existing sources:
"Import Project" then find the step folder (eg c:\dev\jsword)
"Import project..." "Maven"
Select (check) the "Import Maven projects automatically" option
accept defaults for Import Project
for SDK, click on "+" then select JDK and find the Java/jdk folder (23-Apr-2018 - it refused JDK 10 so used JDK 9)
Import the STEP software as a Maven project
File>New>Project from Existing sources:
"Import Project" then find the step folder (eg c:\dev\step)
"Import project..." "Maven"
Select (check) the "Import Maven projects automatically" option
for SDK, click on "+" then select JDK and find the Java/jdk folder
accept defaults for Import Project
Import STEP into JSword in a single project
File > Open > Project > pick c:\dev\jsword
File > Project structure > Modules > "+" > Import module > pick c:\dev\step
Install Tomcat as a J2E container into Intellij
File > Settings > (Build, Execution, Deployment>) Application Servers > + > Tomcat server
(click on "more items" if you don't see Tomcat listed)find the folder (eg C:\dev\apache-tomcat-8.0.12)
Create a Run/Debug configuration
menu Run > Run… > Edit configurations > "+" (top left on the screen) > Tomcat Server >Local
setup with: Name= Step (with data load)
Launch address: http://localhost:8080/?debug
Application server= (click on Configure and find Tomcat, eg C:\dev\apache-tomcat-8.0.12)
VM options= -Dstep.loader=true -Dstep.development=true -Dstep.skipBookInstallation=true -Dstep.home=c:\dev\step.home -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=256M
(change the 'step.home' definition if the offlineModules are placed somewhere else)Note: Patrick heard that 'step.home' is only needed for standalone installation with modules local on the hard drive.
Note: -XX: +CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled is removed from the VM option because Java 9 would complain about that option and would not run.
Note: Since step uses pipes (|) in the url you should add support for this to tomcat by adding
to the file. Or if you are unable to edit the file, you can add another VM Option in the IntelliJ run config:-Dtomcat.util.http.parser.HttpParser.requestTargetAllow=|
In the TAB "Deployment" > + (top right) > Artifact > step-web:war exploded. Make sure the "Application context:" is /
In the TAB "Server", under "Before launch: Build, Activate tool window" make sure "Build" is there. If not add that.
TAB Server: On Update action= Redeploy; On frame de-activation= Update classes and resources
Test the setup:
menu Run 'Step (with data load)''
(this should eventually start up the browser and run STEP)
Create a Run/Debug configuration without loading
(this will restart Step without creating/refreshing all your search indexes).menu Run > Run… > Edit configurations >
select "Step (with data load)" in the left column and click on the Copy symbol above it
Changes: Name= Step (without load); VM options= -Dstep.development=true -Dstep.skipBookInstallation=true -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled -XX:MaxPermSize=256M
Get started using Intellij
To update the project: menu VCS > Update project > select "Merge" and "Stash"
To find a file: use Ctrl-Shift-N to look for file names, and Ctrl-Shift-F to look for file contents
To see the difference you've made before Commit: menu VCS > Show changes
To commit & push changes: menu VCS > Commit changes > add Message; change "commit" to "Commit and Push"; type Git ID & PW
(this should commit into the your Fork of the project that you created at GitHub - see the intro at )at your GitHub page (eg<USERNAME>/step ) click on Pull Request then Create Pull Request and describe your changes