Frequently Asked Questions

STEPBible - Scripture Tools for Every Person - from Tyndale House, Cambridge

Frequently Asked Questions

This is a Beta product, so we welcome error reports and questions.

If you can't find an answer here, please go back to StepBible.org and click on the "Feedback" button. 

Please also report any possible errors in the Bible text or tagging, or in the Lexicons

Common Questions: 

STEP installed but it stopped indexing after about 70%

This is a known 'issue' with some computers, and we haven't yet pinned down the cause. 
Some users have found it works if you turn off the computer and try again.
An Apple user said it worked after he dragged STEP into the trash and reinstalled.
If you have this problem and find a way round, please tell us.  

Why is the Hebrew sometimes different from the text I normally use?

The most common printed text is the BHS (Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia) which is based on the Leningrad Codex. 

The Hebrew in STEP is also based on the Leningrad Codex though actually follows it more closely than BHS. OHB and WLC are based on the work of  the Westminster Theological Seminary which has removed many errors and emendations from the BHS to produce a text which more exactly mirrors the Leningrad Codex. The text of the Aleppo codex is also available. 

If you think that you have found an error, please click on the "Feedback" box and give us the details. 

Why is the Greek sometimes different from the text I normally use?

Several Greek texts are available - see the list here.

To accompany the KJV use TR (based on the texts available to those translators) 

To accompany modern translations use WHNU or SBLG

Why can't I see Greek or Hebrew accents?

Not all of the texts have accents and pointing. They are turned on by default when available, but you can turn them off via the Options cog.  

How can I correct a translation error in the text or in a lexicon?

You can propose corrections to the tagging of a translation here,
and you can propose corrections to the lexicons here.
The Bible translations cannot be changed by users though you might wish to contact the owners. Click on the (info) to find out who to contact.  

How can I correct a translation error in the menu or instructions in my language?

You can correct errors in translation at http://crowdin.net/project/step
After logging in with a Google or Facebook ID,  click on "STEP" and then your language flag. 
You can correct translations or add translations where there are gaps. 
In a few weeks, this data will used to update the STEP interface. 


What is Interleaved-Column-Interlinear ?

These are the three main ways in which you can display Bible texts together. See Bible Displays

How does Comparison work?

Comparison looks for differences between the texts. To avoid small differences being marked, the texts are displayed in fully lower case, with Greek & Hebrew accents and pointing removed. 

How does Interlinear work?

Why doesn't it work with all versions?

Where is "Reverse Interlinear"?

"Reverse Interlinear" in other software means using the English to determine the order of words rather than using the  Greek or Hebrew. In STEP you can pick any interlinear version to determine the order, simply by clicking on the version name under the verse number. This means you can display the interlinear in the order determined by any version -  Hebrew, English, Russian, Chinese etc. 

How do we decide what does "related subjects" are?

How do we decide what verses to display under "related verses"

Why are the verses sometimes different on the arrows, or in my Bible? 

Different versions of the Bible often have slightly different verse numbers or even chapter numbers. For example, some versions make the Psalm Titles into verse 1, so that v.1 becomes v.2 etc. 

Hebrew vowel/cantillation marks aren't placed quite right in Firefox/Opera/... ?

Why do the Book & Old/new Testament counts in the verse number hover display not match the number of search results when I click the link?

The counts shown in the verse popup show the number of occurrences of a particular strong number in the Bible books or Old/New Testament. The search results show the number of verses. If a word is used several times in the same verse, the counts will be different.

How can I find the equivalent Hebrew word for a Greek word in the New Testament?

Not every word in the NT can be tied up with a Hebrew word easily, but here is how to experiment: 

Go to Search then Original word search.

Select search for "words meaning" and type in your word (eg "mercy") and press enter
This lists all the places "mercy" appears. 

The boxes above the list indicate which words are included in the list. When you hover over the boxes, the words are underlined in the verses using it. To see all the verses with only one of these words, click on it. 

Why is the Greek or Hebrew linked to a word rather than the whole phrase which translates it?

The tagging of the ESV and other modules is based on the vocabulary meaning rather than the whole phrase. 

The tagging of the KJV attempts to link every word in the translation to the word it originates from. This is very difficult and can only be done with partial success. For example, Gen.2.2: "And God finished on the sevent day..." is translated from 4 Hebrew words which represent "And-finished God on-day the-seventh". 

Both systems have advantages and problems. 

Tagging a single (or occasionally double) word is much easier to do, and links up better with vocabulary.
Tagging all the words which translate a Hebrew or Greek word is preferable, but in practice it is often too complex to be done properly. 

I can't find the Bible I want. Why isn't it included?

STEP is designed to be given away freely, so we can only include versions which have no copyright restrictions, or which we can get permission for. There are literally hundreds of Bibles which we would like to include, but for each one we have to get permission. This takes a lot of time and patience. Do you have time to help? If so, please contact us.

Will you make a version which works on phones and tablets?

Although the detailed web interface can be used on a phone or tablet, it is not easy, so we are planning to develop a mobile web version which is designed for their more-limited interface. We are also planning to develop a fully downloadable app for Android.

Help - I've messed up the Step Bible. How can I reset it? 

STEP BIble has so many features and different ways to configure it, you sometimes just want to reset thing. You can do this in two ways: 

  • 1) close the tab or browser, then open it again and go to StepBible.org. This will return you to the passages and versions you were using, but will reset the positions of boxes  etc. 
  • 2) click on "Help", then "Reset everything". This resets Bible reference, versions, layout etc, as if you were coming to StepBible.org for the first time. 

Why don't some browsers work well with STEP Bible (esp. IE9) 

Browsers are all different and they keep changing. Although STEP Bible is designed to work with them all, there will often be problems.

We have experienced some severe problems with IE9, and some of them have been fixed. It is difficult to know whether we should spend a lot of time fixing the IE9 problems, because it is likely that IE9 itself change to prevent itself getting  a bad reputation. Or they may decide they don't need to fix this because Windows users can upgrade to IE 10. We are at a wait-and-see stage with regard to this. 

In the mean time, the STEP Bible works very well with Chrome and Firefox which most people prefer as browsers when they try them. 

Desktop version

The Beta version of STEP does not yet have a download version, or the ability to add new resources from elsewhere. 

Searches no longer work for some Bibles

You can try the following:

  1. Run the STEP software
  2. Then click this link: http://localhost:8989/step-web/rest/setup/reIndex/KJV This will rebuild the search data.
  3. To follow the progress, you can click here: http://localhost:8989/step-web/rest/setup/getProgressOnInstallation/KJV and then click the refresh button. When the value returned says "1.0" you are good to go.

Related content

www.STEPBible.org is created and supported by Bible scholars at Tyndale House, Cambridge
with a great deal of help from volunteers and partnering by many organisations.