STEPBible - Scripture Tools for Every Person - from Tyndale House, Cambridge

STEP User Guide


STEP Bible

- Scripture Tools for Every Person -
from Tyndale House, Cambridge
for the developing world
available to all


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STEP Bible is a bible study library and browser offered free of charge for all students of the scriptures.

For an introduction in Spanish, please see this powerpoint.


About:  Who we are and who has helped us. 

Resources:  Bibles, Commentaries etc available here

Bible Displays:  How to view the Bibles in different ways

Bible Languages:  How to understand the original Hebrew & Greek 

/wiki/spaces/SUG/pages/9797648: How to find your way round all the features 

Searching:  How to find a verse, a word, or a subject 

Personalising:  How to add bookmarks etc 

FAQs:  See answers, ask further questions, or offer corrections. 

Joining in:  STEP is built by volunteers with all kinds of skills, eg:.  

This User Guide needs a lot of development.
We would love help from anyone who likes the STEP software and would like to help draft the help manual. Don't worry - editors can roll back to the original if you make a large mistake. is created and supported by Bible scholars at Tyndale House, Cambridge
with a great deal of help from volunteers and partnering by many organisations.