JIRA Process

JIRA Process

We use JIRA AGILE SCRUM board to manage our issues. Find it here: https://stepweb.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=2&useStoredSettings=true Here is what the statuses mean


Status nameMeaningComments
TODOIssues hasn't been startedAnyone is free to take it. It might have been provisionally assigned to someone, so check with them if that is the case
In progressSomeone is working on thisGenerally development, etc.
Available in next buildIt's been committed and pushed.For pull requests, please assign it to Chris B who will merge the ticket into development and take it from there.
QASomeone other than the fixer views itGenerally assign it to David IB, or the original reporter. This means the fix is now available on http://dev.stepbible.org
DoneIt gets resolvedResolved by David IB/someone else. This often gives an opportunity to raise new ideas based on the fix/feature.