
STEPBible - Scripture Tools for Every Person - from Tyndale House, Cambridge


Gender and number are colour coded in grammar capable texts1 such as KJV, BYZ, ANT, ELZ, WHNU, and TR:

  • Masculine is blue.
  • Feminine is red.
  • Singular is standard weight.
  • Plural is bold. 

To display colour coding:

  • Select the Passage lookup from the Search menu on the STEP toolbar.  
  • Select a grammar capable text  (KJV, BYZ, WHNU, TR, ELZ, ANT) from the Translation menu.
  • Select a passage from the Bible Text menu.  
  • Select Colour coded grammar from the display menu.

1A version which is capable of interlinear display (with an I after the name in version menu) can be displayed as a Comparison version with a grammar capable text.  See the example.








www.STEPBible.org is created and supported by Bible scholars at Tyndale House, Cambridge
with a great deal of help from volunteers and partnering by many organisations.