
STEPBible - Scripture Tools for Every Person - from Tyndale House, Cambridge


To see grammatical information for original language texts:

  • Select Passage lookup (default) from the Search menu on the STEP toolbar.
  • Use the Translation / Commentary menu to select an ancient language text which includes parsing, for example, ANT, BYZ,  ELZ, TR or  WHNU.
  • Select a passage to display using the Bible text menu, for example, James 2. 
  • Select Grammar from the Display menu on  the STEP toolbar.

To see the Grammar information in the Lexicon:

  • Click on a word, for example, προσωποληψίαfavoritism. 
  •  In the Original Word window, move the Level slider to the Advanced position. 
  • Scroll down in the Original Word window to see grammatical information. 






















www.STEPBible.org is created and supported by Bible scholars at Tyndale House, Cambridge
with a great deal of help from volunteers and partnering by many organisations.