To compare two or more Bibles:
- Select the Bibles you wish to compare. They should be in the same language.
- In the Bible text box enter or select the passage you wish to display, for example, Exodus 1.
- In the view options box (will be shown as) select either Column view with comparison or Interleaved with comparison.
This is particularly useful when comparing different manuscript traditions, or translations that are similar.
Notes on the comparisons:
- If you are comparing more than two Bibles, the first one will be the Master, which is compared with each of the others in turn.
- The text will all be shown in lower case, and the Greek or Hebrew will be shown without accents or pointing. This is to make comparisons easier and more accurate.
- the comparison will show even partial words that are different
(eg in "restores" and "refreshes" in Ps.23.3 illustrated on the right) - sometimes a word will be highlighted even though it occurs in both versions, because the order of words
(eg in "valley" in Ps.23.4 illustrated on the right) - If different verse numbering is used in these versions, the numbering follows the first version (see explanation).